Page 211 - 《社会》2023年第1期
P. 211


              and consistent findings: First, under the Chinese administrative class system, the
              overall mental health level of the class (social compliance effect) and the happy
              peer proportion (happy peer effect) can have a significant positive impact on
              students’ mental health, and the proportion of depressed peers is significantly
              correlated with students’ negative mental health (depressed peer effect).
              Secondly, students are more likely to be influenced by peers with similar mental
              health concepts and behaviors, and groups with poor, medium and good mental
              health are predominantly affected by depression peer effect, social compliance
              effect and happy peer effect respectively. Finally, class peer networks have a
              differentiated impact on the mental health of students with different group integration
              and parent鄄child communication. With the improvement of group integration and
              parent鄄child communication, the depressed peer effect gradually weakens, while
              the social compliance effect and happy peer effect gradually increase. In
              conclusion, this study tested the social compliance effect, depressive peer effect
              and happy peer effect under the administrative class system, and further explored
              the conditional mechanism of the three effects on different individual students, the
              relationship between individual and class, and parent鄄child relationship. The
              finding of peer effect in this paper can provide future references for the
              improvement of the mental health of adolescents through human intervention and
              Keywords:class peer network, social compliance effect, depression peer effect,
              happy peer effect, mental health

               一、 问题的提出

           素,也是国家复兴和持续发展的重要基础和保障。 根据《中国国民心理
           健康报告( 2019—2020)》,2020 年我国青少年心理健康素养达标率仅为
           14.24%,抑郁检出率为 24.6%,且随着年级的增高,青少年的抑郁检出
           小学阶段(傅小兰等,2021)。 青少年的抑郁水平决定着未来罹患抑郁症
           的 风 险 (Belsher and Costello,1988)、 对 待 自 杀 的 态 度 和 行 为 倾 向
          (Abrutyn and Mueller,2014),形塑着家庭亲子关系、自身的学业态度和

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