Page 117 - 《社会》2023年第1期
P. 117
result of the intertwined local knowledge and transnational knowledge transmission,
a continuity of the scientific tradition of Yan’an period, as well as a response to
the needs of specific historical situation. In the context of New China, science and
politics were nothing more than a relationship of mutual support and benefit. Under
the framework of socialist medical discourse of the 1950s, medical practitioners
transfigured the political promotion of painless childbirth into scientific narrative and
practice. Soviet knowledge and technology were interpreted locally as midwifery
actions, perineal protection, and even Pavlov’s scientific theory and rhetoric were
borrowed to help develop the medicine of the Chinese nation. The movement was
simultaneously a process of remoulding the mindset of Chinese professionals and
intellectuals after 1949. The promotion of people鄄centred Soviet psychoprophylactic
method of painless childbirth in China was accompanied by complex narratives of
science, class, gender and nation, riddled with tensions between de鄄technicalization
and re鄄technicalization, and between civilized childbirth and management of labor
Keywords:Soviet psycho鄄prophylactic method of painless childbirth, labor pain,
science practice, people’s nature
一、 问题提出
1933 年, 伊斯特曼从约翰·霍普金斯医学院转到北平协和医学院
任妇产科主任兼教授。 作为迪克—瑞德( Dick鄄Read)自然分娩理念的早
期支持者,伊斯特曼试图在中国开展分娩镇痛研究。 然而,让他震惊的
是,当时的中国妇女似乎“都是没有痛苦的分娩”( Eastman,1965:472-
473), 因此, 彼时妇女并未言说的生育疼痛仅成为伊斯特曼研究的注
脚。 作为伊斯特曼、麦克凯尔威的继任者,林巧稚于 1940 年成为协和医
院第一位中国籍的妇产科主任。 经历了战争中的艰难行医之后, 她于
1948 年重返协和。 新中国成立后, 苏联的精神预防性无痛分娩法得到
推广。 1952 年,林巧稚(1952)在《人民日报》发文,感言巴甫洛夫的精神
预防性无痛分娩法以人民利益为出发点,“我决心向苏联学习, 更好地
疼痛是一个棘手的医学问题, 其本质是主观的疼痛破坏了沟通能
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