Page 115 - 《社会》2022年第6期
P. 115


              modern technology into traditional Chinese social organizations to promote an
              effective transition of a society from tradition to modernity. He also pointed out that
              this transition is not only related to the basis of traditional social organizations but
              also inseparable from its emotional aspect. This paper firstly examines Fei’s
              discussion on the relationship between “love for hometown” and “feelings of
              kinship”, and on“local industry” and“local village鄄town community”. The study
              demonstrates that “love for hometown,” a social emotion old yet simultaneously
              new, is reinterpreted by Fei as the emotional foundation of modern Chinese society.
              Influenced by Durkheim and Malinowski, as well as the neo鄄Confucian“family鄄
              focused” thoughts of the time, Fei believes that China’s modernization should first
              bring “feelings of kinship” back to the family, and secondly give full play to the
              role of “local village鄄town community” and “love for hometown” outside the
              family. On the one hand, he argues that China’s moderation should be based on
             “local village鄄town communities,” where there is an emotional basis of “love for
              hometown” so as to avoid social anomie. On the other hand, he points out that
             “love for hometown” with regional and local moral sentiments can play an positive
              role in the formation of love for the nation, thus exploring the internal relationship
              between local communities and the modern state of China. This paper concludes
              that“love for hometown” is the key for us to understand the emotional dimension of
              Fei’s early social theory. It represents and constructs the root of the local society
              and the transformation of modern China as a whole, as well as the interpersonal
              connections between the local and the state. It hence has important significance for
              our current consideration on the modernization of China.
              Keywords:Fei Xiaotong,love for hometown,moral emotion,local village鄄town
              community, rural reconstruction

           行细致的分析。 费孝通对于情感的关注及相关讨论主要集中在其早年                               1
           有关乡土重建的系列思想中。 他主张乡土重建应该以中国文明为基础,

           1. 也就是他晚年所总结的自己的第一次学术生命期:1930—1949 年,在作品上截至《生

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