Page 100 - 《社会》2022年第3期
P. 100


                   actively pursuing“instrumentalization” and“de鄄cmmodification”. At the same time, as
                   an unintended consequence of the “National Opera Movement”, Peking Opera became
                   China’s “National Opera”, shouldering the historical mission of carrying forward
                   traditional culture, a mission that was accomplished by adapting Western modern
                   artistic concepts to traditional Peking Opera. Through examples of modern intellectual
                   such as Qi Rushan and his transformative influence on Mei Lanfang and Peking Opera,
                   this study illustrated how modern intellectuals as the main force of this change used the
                   innovative concept of “combining Chinese and Western, integrating ancient and
                   modern” to make art a popular fashion across classes and countries, and to transform
                   traditional art with the lofty ideal of “saving the nation and promoting the glory of the
                   country”. In turn, Peking Opera has found a realistic balance between “art for art’s
                   sake” and “art for society’s sake”, and has become a popular art form enjoyed by
                   different classes and is simultaneously international and national. The reform history of
                   Modern Peking Opera provides guidance for us to explore the direction of“cultural
                   consciousness” today.
                   Keywords:Peking Opera, Chinese drama movement, Mei Lanfang’s tour to the
                   United States, modern transformation, cultural consciousness

                    一、 引言

                     1932 年,梅兰芳举家自北平迁居上海,正式与合作了 20 年的“梅
                党要员”齐如山分道扬镳。而就在 2 年前,齐如山经过近 8 年的策划,最
                    1919 年, 因愤恨美国在巴黎和会上有损中国的利益, 美国驻华公
                使芮恩施(Paul Reinsch)宣布辞职。 在时任北洋政府总统徐世昌举办的
                进两国友谊。 其后, 梅党成员之一的叶恭绰将芮恩施的话转达给齐如
                亦可极大地发扬“国剧”事业。 从此,他开始策划梅兰芳赴美之旅。
                恩施不过是在开玩笑。 不少人认为梅兰芳虽已成名,但尚不足以代表中
                戏园子为耻(齐如山,2005:7)。 民国以后这种情况虽有变化,但“旧剧”

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