Page 92 - 《社会》2023年第3期
P. 92
in Weber’s discussion. On the one hand,rhetoric can operate in a top鄄down
manner through leaders’ incitement to the masses,and on the other hand rhetoric
can also operate from the bottom up,serving as the basis for public discussion and
dialogue. However, Weber’s treatment of rhetoric as a means fails to connect it
with legitimacy. Arendt,on the other hand,argues that modern capitalist society has
obscured mankind exists as words and action since ancient Greece. Based on her
reflection on Nazi politics,Arendt selected public opinion as her addition to the
other side of rhetoric,that is,the formation of consensus. Arendt pays more
attention to rhetoric as a bottom鄄up form of political organization,as well as to the
revelation of the concrete subject by speech and its relation to the power of
legitimacy. Both Weber’s and Arendt’s positions in the face of rhetoric have their own
contemporary contexts and limitations,but both have made outstanding contributions
to the subject. The last section of this paper aims to exhibit,using Habermas,a
comprehensive stance that upholds Arendt’s fundamental rhetorical standpoint,
while also considering Weber’s overarching analysis of contemporary society.
Keywords:democracy,rhetoric,truth,opinion,political demagogue
一、 政治修辞的两种面向
邦政治。 当民众( demos)获得合法的统治地位时,传统且不辩自明的精
英权威便成了需要讨论的问题。 权力向民众转移导致一个重要问题的
处理城邦事务的能力? 随着城邦逐渐腐败,领袖开始将修辞术作为追逐
国》中建立一个哲学社会,以辩证法来替代修辞的“诡辩”。 在这个哲学
述:每一部法律开篇的序言,其目的在于说服( persuade)公民遵守法律”
(温顿、加西恩,2016:70)。 柏拉图看到的是修辞的消极面,即修辞能够
力量很可能伴随着同等程度的威胁。 但是,如果修辞只有全然消极的一
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