Page 192 - 《社会》2023年第2期
P. 192


                   Bernstein’s insights of the relationships between school and everyday knowledge
                   should be seen as a faithful continuity to Durkheim’s sociology of knowledge. On
                   the one hand, Bernstein expands Durkheim’s division of knowledge between
                  “scientific classifications” and “technical classifications”. He argues that the everyday鄄
                   knowledge鄄based teachings occurred in daily encounters are in sharp contrast to the
                   school teachings based on scientific knowledge. On the other hand,  Bernstein
                   acknowledges that official pedagogy cannot ignore everyday knowledge. However,
                   the strict boundary between school and everyday knowledge constitutes the necessary
                   social condition for the acquisition of educational knowledge and identities. More
                   importantly, the sacred/profane distinction is the prerequisite for  educational
                   emancipation, in that the abstract form of school knowledge enables students to go
                   beyond the myths of everyday life, to envisage new ideas and create new orders.
                   Considerations touched upon above the essential necessities of educational knowledge,
                   as opposed to its realizations in contingent contexts,  are central in determining the
                   educational ideals that can offer help and guidance for desirable action.
                   Keywords:school knowledge,everyday knowledge,“New” sociology of education,

                    一、 引言

                着他对社会秩序与道德理想的终极思考: 社会如何产生普遍有效的基
                本概念范畴,并以知识本身作为载体完成个体神圣化的任务。 而这一命
                题出现在伯恩斯坦( Basil Bernstein) 学术生涯的早期,是他理解教育知
                识之构型与秩序的起点。 作为与玛丽·道格拉斯(Mary Douglas)齐名的

                1. 伯恩斯坦(1924—2000)是英国著名的教育社会学家。 在社会学领域,与伯恩斯坦的教
                者乃至教育政策制订者的注意, 间接推动了旨在弥补社会弱势群体语言或文化缺陷的
                “补偿教育”政策的实施。 伯恩斯坦( Bernstein,2003a:94)反对把教育研究或改革的重点
                放在以学前教育或课外教育为主的补偿教育上, 认为这混淆了问题的真正所在:“权力
                原则和社会控制原则体现在教育知识符码中,再透过它进入并塑造意识。 因此,知识符
                码的差异和变迁理应成为社会学的重点关切”。 20 世纪 60 年代末,伯恩斯坦逐渐把研究

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