Page 191 - 《社会》2023年第2期
P. 191


           教育知识与圣俗二分:从涂尔干                                       社会
           到伯恩斯坦                                                第 43 卷


              摘  要:“知识是一种社会建构” 命题是涂尔干研究人类总体知识的落脚点,
              也是伯恩斯坦理解教育知识的社会性质的起点。 本文试图重新理解涂尔干这
              背后的问题意识,并呈现伯恩斯坦对圣俗二分的思考。 研究发现,伯恩斯坦一
              方面继承和推进了涂尔干对知识及其社会基础的思考, 从双重社会性假设出
              发阐释了教育知识的分类原则, 另一方面也阐明了圣俗二分所蕴含的教育解
              关键词:学校知识       日常知识 “新”教育社会学        涂尔干    伯恩斯坦

              Educational Knowledge and the Distinction Between the Sacred
              and the Profane: From Durkheim to Bernstein
              HU Xuelong
              Abstract:The proposition of“knowledge is a product of social construction” is the
              foothold of Durkheim’s understanding of human knowledge on the whole, and it is
              also the standpoint from which Bernstein conceives knowledge relations within
              education fields. This paper attempts to re鄄examine this important but yet constantly
              misunderstood proposition offered by Durkheim. It starts from the point of
              Durkheim’s “sacred and profane” dichotomy, then delves into the problematics
              behind his sociology of knowledge, and finally examines the way in which Bernstein’s
              sociology of educational knowledge goes beyond “sacred and the profane”
              dichotomy. The paper points out that Durkheim’ s creative connection of knowledge
              and society is based on the recognition of the duality between individual and
              collective experiences. Its significance lies in the fact that Durkheim’s socio鄄
              historical interpretation of knowledge does not undermine knowledge itself.

           * 作者:胡雪龙    北京师范大学教育学部教育基本理论研究院(Author:HU Xuelong, Institute of
           Education Theories,Faculty of Education,Beijing Normal University)E鄄

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