Page 188 - 《社会》2022年第1期
P. 188


                   frameworks, most of them have neglected the important issue of social interaction
                   between migrant and native children. This paper attempts to remedy this deficiency. By
                   analyzing the national survey data of junior high school students, this study examines
                   the influence of family background and school class context on intergroup friendship
                   between migrant and native children. First of all, family socio鄄economic status has a
                   positive effect on migrant students’ intergroup interaction, but the higher the family
                   socio鄄economic status of native children, the fewer intergroup friends they have.
                   Second, there is an“inverted U鄄shaped” relationship between the group diversity in
                   class and the number of intergroup friends. As group diversity increases, the fewer
                   intergroup friends the migrant students make, while the opposite is true for the native
                   students. Third, when a group has more intergroup interactions, its members have
                   more outside鄄group friends and exert more greater impact on native students. When a
                   group is more exclusive, fewer intergroup friendship occurs, especially for migrant
                   students. Finally, this study also finds that the above effects of class context are mainly
                   observed in school classes with the predominant number of native students. The results
                   of this study show that family background and school class context are important factors
                   in determining the differences in intergroup interaction between migrant and native
                   students.More attention is warranted in future research to the micro鄄mechanism and the
                   effect of social interaction between migrant and native students.
                   Keywords:family background, school class context, migrant students, native
                   students,intergroup interaction

                    一、 问题的提出

                改革开放以来, 城乡间大规模的人口流动为中国城市发展带来充足的
                人力和智力支持, 同时也使得流动人口与本地居民的社会融入问题日
                益突出。 由于利益冲突、制度排斥和文化差异等原因,流动人口与本地
                居民存在明显的社会空间隔离(王春光, 2001),这成为流动人口融入
                城市社会的阻碍。 事实上,这种社会空间的隔离也进一步导致流动儿童
                面临较为严重的城市融入问题。 大量研究表明,流动儿童在城市中受到

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