Page 195 - 《社会》2023年第3期
P. 195


              and gender differences in childbearing motivation by asking respondents why they
              should have children. Based on data from the China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)
              in 2020, this study uses cluster analysis to classify people’s childbearing
              motivation into four categories:“low intention and negative”, “individual鄄
              oriented”,“dual鄄oriented emotional” and“family鄄oriented”. The result shows that
              more than half of Chinese residents still have family鄄oriented motivation of
              childbearing while individual -oriented and dual鄄oriented emotional motivation
              account for 23% and 15% respectively. Only 9% of the residents have low
              intention and negative childbearing motivation. Moreover, there are significant
              inter鄄cohort differences in childbearing motivations. Earlier birth cohorts are more
              likely to have dual鄄oriented emotional, family鄄oriented motivations; while younger
              birth cohorts are more likely to have low intention and negative, individual鄄oriented
              motivations. Among the post鄄80s and post鄄90s groups, family鄄oriented motivations
              of  childbearing  gradually  lose  their  dominance,  while  individual鄄oriented
              motivations increase significantly. In terms of gender differences, men’s
              childbearing motivations are more traditional than women’s, and the extent of
              inter鄄cohort change is smaller for men. The differences in childbearing motivation
              between men and women tend to widen among later generations. The study suggests
              changes in educational attainment as a possible explanation.
              Keywords:childbearing motivation, cohort, gender, education

               一、 问题的提出

               中国当前的低生育率问题已成为一个公认的事实。 2021 年 5 月发
           布的第七次全国人口普查数据表明,2020 年中国育龄妇女总和生育率
           仅为 1.3, 已处于较低生育率水平。 国家统计局最新发布的数据显示,
           2022 年末全国人口比上年末减少 85 万人, 人口自然增长率为-0.60‰。                      2

           1. 数据来源:“第七次全国人口普查主要数据结果新闻发布会答记者提问”, 国家统计
           年 5 月)。
           2. 数据来源:《中华人民共和国 2022 年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》(
           cn/xinwen/2023-02/28/content_5743623.htm,访问时间:2023 年 4 月)。

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