Page 82 - 《社会》2022年第4期
P. 82


                   overcome the action problem caused by isolated individualism. Dewey first classified
                  “children” in the educational sense into four stages of development:early infancy,late
                   infancy,childhood,and adolescence. By using the action mechanism of“stimulus—
                   response”,Dewey hoped to combine natural forces and social consciousness at the same
                   time,and ultimately shape a “social individual” in the process of action education. The
                   social individual is represented as a complete state of action,which on the one hand
                   retains the sacredness derived from the nature,and on the other hand continuously
                   absorbs the civilizational traditions from society. Dewey believed that only such a
                   modern individual with full action power could truly cope with the challenges of the
                   modern world in terms of both human mind and society. By transforming isolated
                   individuals into social individuals,Dewey attempted to find answers to the social
                   problems of the Gilded Age through educational reforms. Moreover,the theoretical
                   conception of “social individual” and the corresponding educational practices also
                   profoundly influenced the theoretical development and empirical research orientation of
                   the early American sociology. This study helps us further understand the early
                   ideological foundation of American sociology and reflect on our current situation.
                   Keywords:social individual,individualism,Dewey,American social theory

                    一、 引言

                具有更加错综复杂的关系。 托克维尔(Tocqueville,2010:883)在考察美
                国的民主状况时指出:“个体主义是民主的产物, 并随着社会条件 的
                平等化而不断发展。 ” 个体主义一方面构成了美国文明的基本价值,
                另一方面又不断对民主造成冲击和破坏。 如果个体主义无法得到恰当
                的 引 导 、 限 制 和 提 升 , 那 么 民 主 社 会 就 有 走 向 暴 乱 和 专 制 的 危 险
                ( Tocqueville,2010:887-889)。 当我们从社会思想的视角来理解以詹姆
                斯 和 杜威为 代 表 的 美 国 实 用 主 义(pragmatism)时 ,可 以 看 到 实 用 主 义
                首先要处理的就是托克维尔揭示的个体主义问题。 杜威在 1897 年发
                表的《我的教育宣言》(“ My Pedagogic Creed”)一文中指出,他的教育改
                革虽然建立在个体主义之上, 但反对空洞和形式化地理解个体主义,
                主张通过教育改革塑造一种“社会性个体”(a social individual)(EW5:

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