Page 102 - 《社会》2022年第2期
P. 102


                   (CFPS), this study examines the heterogeneous treatment effects of private tutoring on
                   eighth graders’ academic performance from the perspective of individual choices. The
                   results show that propensities to participate in private tutoring can differentiate the class
                   disparities among middle school students in terms of their individual, family, school and
                   other parenting factors. Furthermore, the results indicate that private tutoring on average
                   has limited impacts on academic achievement, net of all background factors. However,
                   students whose propensities to participate in private tutoring is in the middle range tend
                   to benefit the most from private tutoring. For both the students of socioeconomically
                   disadvantaged families with low propensities and their advantaged counterparts with high
                   propensities, private tutoring has little effect on their academic performance. Sensitivity
                   analysis further shows that the heterogeneous effects of private tutoring differ in cognitive
                   ability, subject types, and tutoring periods. The finding carries out important
                   implications for understanding the consequences of China’s policy interventions in
                   reducing educational inequality.
                   Keywords:private tutoring, self鄄selection, heterogeneous treatment effects,
                   marketization of education, educational equality

                    一、 问题的提出

                    20 世纪 80 年代以来,市场机制的引入对公共教育体制、学校管理
                模 式 、 教 育资源分配 方 式 等 产 生 了 全 方 位 的 影 响 (Ross and Gibson,
                了个体教育机会选择的多样性需求,如参加课外补习。 近十几年来,课
                外补习产业在中国迅速兴起, 越来越多义务教育阶段的学生参加课外
                补习以提高考试成绩,从而在升学考试中获得优势。 中国教育学会中小
                学课外辅导家长调查结果显示, 超过 80%的家长非常或比较赞同课外
                    课外补习的盛行对中国公共教育体系形成了冲击, 引发了公众对
                于教育公平问题的担忧(闫闯,2019)。 2021 年 7 月,中共中央办公厅、
                国务院办公厅印发 《关于进一步减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校
                无序扩张。 在此背景下,研究课外补习现象,可以使我们从教育社会学
                的视角认识中国教育资源市场化配置下的个 体教 育选择机 制 及 其 影

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