Page 216 - 《社会》2021年第5期
P. 216
social determinant in gender inequality. Contradicting to the conventional “boy first”
model of household resource allocation, many studies find that Chinese families
nowadays invest preferably on girls in after鄄school education. This study focuses on this
empirical fact that has not been examined in depth and attempts to explore its key
influence mechanism as well as the relationship between macro鄄level family structural
changes and micro鄄level family behavioral orientations. Its aim is to complement the
current research debates and explanations on gender preference. Starting from the
theoretical context of intergenerational resource allocation, the article suggests two
explanatory hypotheses of“child utility change鄄gender preference shift” and“mother’s
status enhancement鄄 parental preference divergence” in the analysis of the succession
of intergenerational preference patterns. An analysis of the China Education Panel
Survey (2013-2014) data is conducted of families with male siblings and different
education levels of parents. The statistical results show robustly that the presence of
brothers in the family does not negatively impact girls’ access to after school
educational resources and that girls in urban families has a pronounced advantage over
boys, and overall there is a tentative shift from “male preference” to“female
preference”in Chinese families. In addition, under reciprocal controls, advancement of
father’s education has no significant effect on children but a significant positive effect
of mother’s educational advancement is observed on girls’ access to after鄄school
educational resources, and this effect is even more prominent with younger parents,
exhibiting a clear pattern of“dual preferences”. These findings, at the empirical level,
reveal the increased family utility of girls compared to boys in the process of social
change and the opportunity for gender preferences to emerge as a result of the enhanced
status of mothers.
Keywords:after鄄school education, gender differences, structural transformation of
Chinese family, intergenerational resource allocation, gender preference model
男孩偏好普遍存在于父权制社会中(Choi and Hwang,2020),传统
行为方式,导致了大量女性的潜在“消失”( Sen,1992),两性在家庭资源
和 发 展 机 会 的 获 得 上 存 在 明 显 差 异(Hannum,2005;Malkin and Lamb,
1994;Qian,2008)。 新中国成立以来,国家在各个领域不断推进“男女平
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