Page 120 - 《社会》2021年第2期
P. 120
征服者于连:《红与黑》和 社会
19 世纪欧洲精神革命 第 41 卷
摘 要:从尼采的本能革命到萨特的生存革命,《红与黑》中于连的征服故事一
直充当了原型的角色。 对尼采和萨特等世纪末的哲人来说, 司汤达既是欧洲
19 世纪精神革命的肇始人和同时人,更是超越了时代的先行者。 随着欧洲文
社会理论乃至文明研究的参考价值。 有鉴于此,本文试图考察于连的征服史或
自我教育的历史,讨论他如何在 19 世纪的历史背景下一步步征服爱情、扫荡
关键词:于连 征服 强力意志 想象力 历史 神
Julien the Conqueror:The Novel of The Red and the Black and
the Spiritual Revolution in Europe
ZHANG Weizhuo
Abstract: According to the consensus in academic circles,modern sociology originated
in the post鄄French Revolution Europe in the 19th century. From Henri Saint鄄Simon,
Auguste Comte, to Herbert Spencer, sociologists were committed to building a united
and organic society by focusing on enlightenment, social structure and history. Until
魪mil Durkheim put forward the idea of“society as sui generis” or“sacred society”, did
it begin the development of sociology as an independent discipline. Nevertheless, we
rarely noticed the contribution made by novelists such as Stendhal,Honoré de Balzac,
Gustave Flaubert and others, who were contemporary with Auguste Comte, the founder
of sociology. Their works explore the profound human nature, show life’s joys and
sorrows, and illuminate the morality and customs of the society. Among them, The Red
* 作 者 : 张 巍 卓 中 国 人 民 大 学 社 会 与 人 口 学 院 (Author:ZHANG Weizhuo,School of
Sociology and Population Studies,Renmin University of China)
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