Page 104 - 《社会》2023年第2期
P. 104


                   public services. After the founding of the Republic of China, the county鄄level
                   Gongchan was brought under the unified management of local self鄄government, and
                   its property rights, different from government or private property, were confirmed
                   and regulated by national laws. However, its implementation was affected by the
                   changes in national politics and personal disputes. There was also a conflict between
                   the traditional way of Gongchan operation and management and the new mission of
                   promoting modern public services. The above鄄mentioned factors caused many
                   problems in the management of Gongchan by local self鄄government organizations,
                   resulting in deepening the conflicts between local self鄄government organizations and
                   the government and the people. The Nanjing National Government allowed local
                   self鄄government organizations continue the management of Gongchan, and related
                   problems were further magnified. Under the wartime pressure in the mid鄄1930s, the
                   Nanjing government implemented certain administrative system reform at the county鄄
                   level in order to extract more revenue, and gradually incorporated Gongchan into
                   government management. In the process, the meaning of Gongchan expanded to
                   include both government property and traditional Gongchan. The concept of
                  “public”, once embedded in the traditional public property system and representing
                   the common interests of specific groups, was eventually replaced by the meaning of
                   referring to the state, the imperial court, and society as a whole.
                   Keywords:Gongchan, local self鄄government, grass鄄root public utility, modern
                   state transformation

                    一、 引言

                    作为特定的产权类型, 明清时期广泛存在的各类公产在传统中国
                高等,2018)。 清末以来,随着地方自治的兴起与基层行政制度的演变,
                公产制度逐渐转型, 传统“官—公—私” 并立的产权体系最终定型为
               “公—私”二元结构, 公产制度的转型无疑是近代中国产权制度变迁的

                1. 虽然公产与官产(政府财产)在产权性质上存在 明确的 区别,但因为“公”兼有朝廷、
                政府的 含义,政 府财产也会被称为“公产”,容易 使概念 混淆,本 文为 示 区别,同时 采用
                “民间公产”的表达方式。 本文所称的“传统”,也是相对于民国时期而言。

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