Page 9 - 《社会》2023年第1期
P. 9
political tradition. It provoked widespread suspicions that the monarch intended to
replace English liberty with French absolutism,which eventually led to the outbreak
of revolution. The Glorious Revolution transformed ancient constitution by restricting
prerogative and giving priority to popular principles that safeguarded the political
ideal of liberty. The Revolution also resolved the major differences between the king
and the parliament,and brought in a powerful commercial state capable of dealing
with international rivalries. Thus, England avoided succumbing to the fate of French
absolutism. Hume’s analysis of the Glorious Revolution reveals that the modern
state,built by transforming the traditional order,must both protect individual and
civil liberty, and meet international challenges. Understanding both the strength and
liberty of a modern state is central to understanding the Glorious Revolution and the
modern English polity,and the secret of modern states in general.
Keywords:state鄄building,the Glorious Revolution,the constitution of England,
ancient constitution
一、 国家制度发育视野中的“英格兰问题”
在 1975 年出版的《西欧民族国家的形成》一书中,蒂利提示我们,
追溯到 16 世纪的西欧。 当时,西欧的政治组织形态相当多元,国家在影
个世界会朝着建设国家性( stateness)的方向迈进。 如今,国家已成为当
代政治问题的核心,也是我们无法摆脱的“过去的僭政”( the tyranny of
the past)(Tilly,1975:3-83)。
古典政治以城邦为依托。 不过,作为现代政治的载体,国家并非古
由商业城市的资本与君主国的强制要素融合而成。 历史地看,国家这种
政治形态的胜出与西欧的独特历史道路密切相关。 漫长而残酷的国际
内镇压民众反叛,对外抵御邻国的军事侵扰。 国家的强大资源汲取和组
更具竞争优势。 以法国大革命后中央政府对地方的直接统治为标志,战
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