Page 159 - 《社会》2022年第5期
P. 159
与魔搏斗的人:易卜生作品中 社会
的个体性危机 第 42 卷
摘 要:本文把易卜生置于北欧-日耳曼的思想谱系中进行解读,认为“个体
的关联,他们都认为严格意义上的宗教信仰的前提就是个体性。 同时,在尼采
看来,当时的欧洲已经进入“群氓的时代”,“个人”岌岌可危。 在这个背景下,
的社会心态。 个体性的膨胀将带来严重的社会问题,伴随着躁动不安,有时候
关键词:易卜生 世纪末 个体性 魔 虚无
Wrestling with Demons:Fin de Siècle in Ibsen’s Plays
FU Chunhui
Abstract: This paper places Ibsen in the Nordic鄄Germanic thought tradition,and
argues that “individuality” is the key to understand this tradition and Ibsen’s plays.
European society at the end of the 19th century was far from being a world of“demon
free”,instead,it even had irrational and anti鄄enlightenment overtones. Ibsen’s plays
and Kierkegaard’s philosophical thoughts were intertextually related. They both
opposed the established church,and believed that the prerequisite for religious faith in
the strict sense is individuality. Brand was tantamount to a death sentence to all serious
religions. Meanwhile,in Nietzsche’s view,Europe had entered“the era of the mob” and
“individual” was in danger. In this context,many characters created by Ibsen had the
characteristics of“Fin de siècle”,where decadence,boredom and nihility had become a
common social state of mind. Freud had a profound insight into the dangers contained in
this mentality. He believed that behind the collective psychology was the individual
* 作者: 傅春晖 中国农业大学人文与发展学院(Author:FU Chunhui,College of Humanities and
Development Studies,China Agricultural University)
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