Page 165 - 《社会》2022年第1期
P. 165
and socialism”, this study deals successively with the links between his theory and
socialism, individualism, the political doctrine of Montesquieu. It provides a framework
for understanding his political doctrine: drawing on Montesquieu’s doctrine of
intermediate bodies, Durkheim injects the principle of individualism into Saint鄄Simon’s
socialism to solve the practical problems of liberalism in France since the Revolution,
and thus incorporates the economic life of modern society into the political issues.
This paper further argues that Durkheim extends the political sphere from a pure
theory of government to the totality of society with the aim of taking the latter as the
primary problem of modern politics. In other words, in order to shift the issues of
modern politics from the limitation of government forms and the pure construction of the
legal system, Durkheim regards the social sphere as an overarching category that
unifies all the problems of modern politics. It is only within this framework his political
theory can be properly understood.
Finally, the paper also points out that Durkheim does not deny the primacy of
politics and the status of politicians, and the legacy of his political theory with
civilizational and holistic overtones is far from being fully explored.
Keywords: political art, general sociology, society, counterpoise
一、 引言
为是 这 一 思 想 倾 向 的 典 型 代 表 。 正 如 雷 蒙·阿 隆(2015:13、274、362、
来贬低政治和经济。 或者说,涂尔干所代表的社会学主义对社会结构或
严格的法则。 用他自己的话来说,战争、条约、法院、议会阴谋和政治家
组织最深层的构成要素,“即使这些法则存在, 它们也是最难发现的”
(涂尔干,2020f:421)。 因此,涂尔干(2020f:449)从未在自己的社会科学
现 代 政 治 的 核 心 议 题( Lukes,1982:18 -23;Müller,1993:93;Oliveira,
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