Page 95 - 《社会》2021年第2期
P. 95


              However, in modern society, with the improvement in education and labor participation
              for both sexes, especially when the cost of living makes it difficult to support family by
              one income, the delaying effect of education level on marriage may have changed. This
              study suggests the possible moderating effect of local hukou(residential registration)as
              a symbol of financial advantage on the relation between education and marriage. Based
              on the data from the Shanghai Urban Neighborhood Survey, this paper attempts to
              answer three questions: 1) Does a Shanghai hukou moderate the delaying effect of
              education on marriage timing?  2) If so, is there a gender difference of this
              moderation; 3)Does this moderation change overtime? The results of a discrete event
              history analysis show that the higher the education level, the more obvious its
              postponement effect on marriage, especially for women. Regardless of men and women,
              compared with individuals with Shanghai hukou, the delaying effect of education on
              marriage is much more prominent among people without Shanghai hukou. The study
              finds that at the early stage of the economic reform, there was no obvious moderation
              effect of a Shanghai hukou. However, with the continuous advancement of the reform,
              the postponement effect of education on marriage has become more and more prominent
              among groups without Shanghai hukou. Interestingly, the soaring price of housing since
              2008 has led to a reversed relation between education and marriage timing among highly
              educated male Shanghai hukou holders. In comparison with their counter part of non-
              Shanghai hukou holders, not only no postponement but a certain early marriage effect is
              observed. The study concludes that the rapid rising cost of living and the widening gap
              in income and wealth have made hukou a primary factor in shaping marriage behaviors
              in contemporary urban China.
              Keywords:education , local hukou , first marriage timing , Shanghai , Discrete 鄄
              time event history analysis


               作为家庭构成的基础,婚姻一直是社会学关注的重点问题之一。 婚
           姻的建立往往与当下的性别角色期待相关。 基于传统的“男主外、女主
           性则更关注配偶的社会资源和社会地位(Buss, 1989,1991; Fletcher,et
           al., 2004;Fisman,et al., 2006; Kalmijn, 2011)。 而个体所获得的社会

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