Page 158 - 《社会》2023年第2期
P. 158
(“authoritarian power of command”), but has no bottom鄄up conceptional recognition
(“belief in legitimacy”). This further threatens the stability of political order and
leads to a“crisis of legitimacy”. The solution lies on how to reintegrate“belief in
legitimacy”, however, at the same time, it needs to be based on real political
considerations to avoid the destruction of “everyday routine needs” caused by
excessive integration. The “charismatic dominance” favored by Weber and its two
evolution methods have different levels of limitations in solving the above鄄mentioned
“crisis of legitimacy”. This article examines Weber’s“non鄄legitimate domination”
through a typological comparison of the “uniqueness” of medieval western cities as
well as an analysis of burghers’ identity characteristics, life鄄work styles, political
demands, and participation in the legal process. It is found that“non鄄legitimate
domination” provides a bottom鄄up path unique to the Western civilization that preserves
“everyday routine needs”, and ultimately “through legal means of safeguarding
economic rights and interests, it applies the selective neglect of ‘authority’ to
achieve the stability of the order”. This provides a new possibility for the integration of
“belief in legitimacy” and the solution of “crisis of legitimacy”. In addition, this
paper provides a tentative interpretation of the concept of “non鄄legitimate
domination” through a review of Weber’s study of the “city”: the expression of a
“non鄄domination” of order within an order that has a tendency to dominate. 1
Keywords:non鄄legitimate domination, medieval city, burgher, the belief in legitimacy
一、 引言:现代政治秩序与“正当性危机”
自觉追求和用“知识 ”加 以 升 华 的方 式 下 被油 然 意 识 到(韦伯,2009a:
455)。 其中,政治领域的独立伴随着必要“恶”的法则,这一法则有悖于
宗教伦理的“善”(韦伯,2010b:318)。 对于现代政治的主要参与者———
内对外的绝对权力支配,这种手段服务于“国家理由”。 这一情形下,国
1. 本文出现 的所有 韦伯文本关键词的英文翻译 均参 考 Economy and Society: An Outline
on Interpretative Sociology (Weber, 1978)这一版本。
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