Page 131 - 《社会》2023年第2期
P. 131
transformation of these two stages is accompanied by the natural process of
“succession” of social forms. However, the ultimate ideal of assimilation is always
out of reach, and the hybrid state of symbiosis is an established social fact. The
paradox is that Park does not find this unbearable. Because of his unique
background, Park sympathies with minorities and that leads to a“cosmopolitan”
sociological imagination. Regrettably, the ecological order, organized solely around
the economy of nature, lacks the familiar ground that can make social life tolerable
for immigrants. Immigrants, who come to the New World from all corners of the
world to seek their destiny, are from different ethnic origins and bear different
cultural imprints. Even if they find a place in urban life, they can hardly feel at
home. Immigrants have long left behind a traditional family鄄centered and outward鄄
expanding order in an effort to adapt to a symbiotic world of economic
interdependence and emotional isolation. If the migrants in Chinese cities do not
become“strangers” suffering from“wanderlust”,it may be because they still have
a “home” in their hearts. Because they always have such a concern deep in their
hearts it allows them to be moving around in strange places without wandering. This
is completely different from the cosmopolitan American society.
Keywords:human ecology, succession,symbiosis,cosmopolitanism,city
一、 引论:在“补课札记”中“找到帕克”
1998 年 6 月,费孝通在“第三届社会文化人类学高级研讨班”上做
了主题为“补课”的发言。 他在讲稿《读马老师遗著<文化动态论>书后》
学者的理论也总是跟着在变动”(费孝通,2001:207)。 耄耋之年的费孝
209)。 这些课本就是吴文藻先生去世时留下的 《社会学这门科学的引
论》( Park and Burgess,1921)和《城 市 论》(Park,et al.,1925)两 本 书(以
下简称《引论》和《城市》)。 1 通过吴文藻老师,费孝通“又找到了帕克老
1. 费孝通(2001:210)后 来说 :“当时我选 这两本 书 ,是 因 为 吴 文 藻 和 帕 克这 两 位老 师
是我一生中从事社会学的学术源头,留此实物作为纪念,永志不忘。 ”
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