Page 146 - 《社会》2023年第1期
P. 146
individual social interactions, expanding and enriching the relevant content of
Interaction Ritual theory from the two aspects of cultural and technological changes.
Through semi鄄structured interviews, it is found that the categorical impression
management technology used by people in WeChat can be regarded as an online
construction of offline differential associations in relationship. The spatio鄄temporal
separation and reorganization mechanism of the Internet influence online interactions
by affecting the interaction context. Specifically, this kind of interaction has caused
the following changes. First, sending voice messages at will has become the
privilege of the superior over the subordinate, and under the easier operation of
reflective monitoring, the two鄄way avoidance ritual has become the one鄄way
obligation of the subordinate, strengthening the interaction order. Second, there is
a trend of de鄄common鄄situation in discrete WeChat interactions, embodied in the
decrease of situation pressure and the necessity of situation accumulation.
Therefore, reflective monitoring is easier to operate than before, resulting in simple
general rules of interaction based on relative status. Third, the uncertainty of the
interaction situation after the time鄄space separation and the solidification of
interaction results cause the subordinate feel insecure and anxious about using voice
messages. In addition, the discrepancy between the interaction discussed in this
study and Goffman’s theory may also be related to the uniqueness of Chinese
culture. Due to technological progress and changes in social structure, the making
of WeChat interaction rules is still in progress and it demands long鄄term observation
and careful analysis.
Keywords:WeChat, voice and text, interaction ritual, time鄄space separation
一、 移动互联时代的互动:一个值得探究的议题
微观与宏观的连接是社会学的基本议题。 很多学者认为,社会互动
2009:31),社会结构就是社会互动反复发生的模式(Campos鄄Castillo and
Hitlin,2013)。 人们日常的惯例植根于理所当然的世界之中,一般说来,
人们知道怎样按照组成世界的那些内含的、共有的规则来行动。 他们利
2002:5)。 小范围的、即时即地发生的面对面互动是理解和分析宏观社
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