Page 9 - 《社会》2022年第4期
P. 9
actually an adventure of spiritual life. Spiritual life produces its own form of objects that
is self鄄contained, leaping out of the flow of life. However, the development of the objects
may promote the perfection of spiritual life and the reintegration between the objects and
spiritual life. Starting from itself and returning to itself, the spiritual life thus realizes its
cultural path. The aggravation of cultural tragedy in modern society may cause the
objective forms that have detached from the flow of spiritual life to exist completely
independently of spiritual life and unable to return to the stream of life, thus interrupting
the adventure of spiritual life. Simmel solved this dilemma by turning to the concept of
absolute life in his late time. The essence of absolute life is self鄄transcendence. The
contradiction between relative life and form is precisely the way absolute life exists,
constantly generating contradictions and constantly breaking the existing boundaries to
return to the unity of life, so that life is renewed to a more abundant state. In this way,
the adventure of life will no longer be blocked. The essence and existential mode of
absolute life of self鄄transcendence is in fact a continuous adventure. Simmel’s approach
to research and lifestyle is equally adventurous. This adventurous core in Simmel’s
thought and his life picture makes him the first theorist of modernity in the Baudelaire’s
sense and the enlightener with the attitude of modernity in the Foucault’s sense.
Keywords:adventure,culture, absolute life, self鄄transcendence
一、 引言
齐美尔一生中写过无数小品文, 其中一些篇章成为研究者描述其
光看待社会的第一位理论家,等等。 与上述尝试类似,本文试图从齐美
美尔的冒险家面向。 科塞的研究让“陌生人”成为齐美尔最广为人知的
标签之一( Coser,1965;Levine,1977;王利平,2001), 重点探讨了齐美尔
1. 列文(Levine,1977:16)就曾指出,齐美尔在欧美社会学界的名声主要来自于那篇仅
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