Page 8 - 《社会》2021年第5期
P. 8

权力空间与治理绩效                                            社会
                基于“上海都市社区调查”的分析                                      第 41 卷

                盛智明        周    晴

                   摘   要:本文基于空间理论视角,提出了“权力空间”的分析概念,并将其操作
                   化为“与治理权力中心的距离”。 本研究利用“上海都市社区调查”(SUNS)的数
                   据, 系统考察了处于城市权力空间结构不同位置上的社区在治理绩效上的差
                   异,并对其产生的原因和机制进行分析。 研究发现,无论是在小区层次还是街
                   差序格局,但对非可视性治理绩效缺乏明显的作用效应。 权力空间主要通过公
                   关键词:权力空间       治理绩效    可视性绩效     社区

                   Power Space and Governance Performance: An Analysis Based
                   on Shanghai Urban Neighborhood Survey
                   SHENG Zhiming ZHOU Qing
                   Abstract: Why do communities in different spatial areas have different governance
                   performance? Applying the perspective of spatial theory, this paper proposes an
                   analytical concept of “power space”. The concept refers to the distance between a
                   community and the city administrative power center. Based on the data from Shanghai
                   Urban Neighborhood Survey (SUNS), this study examines the variation in governance
                   performance by communities that locate in different areas of the city power spatial
                   structure, and analyzes the cause and mechanism of the differences. The study suggests
                   that the spatial distance between the community and the center of governance power is

                * 作者 1: 盛智明 上海大学社会学院 (Author 1:SHENG Zhiming,The School of Sociology
                and Political Science, Shanghai University)作者 2:周 晴 中国 社
                会科学院-上海市人民政府上海研究院(Author 2:ZHOU Qing,Shanghai Academy)
                ** 本研究受上海市教育委员会、 上海市教育发展基金会 2019 年度“曙 光计划 ” 项目
                ( 19SG36) 资 助 。 [This research is supported by “Shuguang Project”(19SG36) of Shanghai
                Education Commission and Shanghai Education Development Foundation in 2019.]

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