Page 7 - 《社会》2022年第6期
P. 7

LI Xiaodong
                 160  Funeral Xiangsheng and the Operation of Social Relationship
                      Among the Civilians in Beijing and Tianjin in the Period of the
                      Republic of China

                      LIU Zhijun YANG Shuai WANG Yan
                 188  Window of Time and Trauma of Time: The Temporal Effect of
                       Left鄄Behind Experience on Subjective Well鄄Being

                      TAO Tao ZHONG Yuqi HUANG Jingyi
                 214  One鄄Sided Demands or Mutual Needs? Combination of Needs
                      and Parent鄄Child Choices in Inter鄄Generational Cohabitation

           Executive Editor:TIAN Qing

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