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遵从抑或濡染? 班级同伴网络视角下的心理健康研究
Hogue, Aaron, and Laurence Steinberg. 1995. “Homophily of Internalized Distress in
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Kamis, Christina, and Molly Copeland. 2020.“The Long Arm of Social Integration: Gender,
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Kiuru, Noona, William J. Burk, Brett Laursen, Jari鄄Erik Nurmi, and Katariina Salmela鄄
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Laible, Deborah J., Gustavo Carlo, and Marcela Raffaelli. 2000.“The Differential Relations
of Parent and Peer Attachment to Adolescent Adjustment.” Journal of Youth and
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Lee, Dohoon, and Byungkyu Lee. 2020. “The Role of Multilayered Peer Groups in
Adolescent Depression: A Distributional Approach.” American Journal of Sociology 125
Meade, Gavin M., Lily S. Charron, Lantz W. Kilburn, Zhe Pei, Hoau鄄Yan Wang, and
Siobhan Robinson. 2021. “A Model of Negative Emotional Contagion between Male鄄
Female Rat Dyads: Effects of Voluntary Exercise on Stress鄄Induced Behavior and Bdnf鄄
Trkb Signaling.” Physiology & Behavior 234.
Mouw, Touw. 2006. “Estimating the Causal Effect of Social Capital: A Review of Recent
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Mueller, Anna S., and Seth Abrutyn. 2015. “Suicidal Disclosures among Friends: Using
Social Network Data to Understand Suicide Contagion.” Journal of Health and Social
Behavior 56(1):131-148.
Nakahashi, Wataru, and Hisashi Ohtsuki. 2015. “When Is Emotional Contagion Adaptive?”
Journal of Theoretical Biology 380:480-488.
Paz, Lisie Valeria, Thiago Wendt Viola, Bruna Bueno Milanesi, Juliana Henz Sulzbach,
Regis Gemerasca Mestriner, Andrea Wieck, and Leder Leal Xavier. 2022.“Contagious
Depression: Automatic Mimicry and the Mirror Neuron System—A Review.”
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 134.
Pe, Madeline L., Ian H. Gotlib, Wim Van Den Noortgate, and Peter Kuppens. 2016.
“Revisiting Depression Contagion as a Mediator of the Relation between Depression and
Rejection: A Speed鄄Dating Study.” Clinical Psychological Science 4(4):675-682.
Perry, Brea L., and Bernice A. Pescosolido. 2015.“Social Network Activation: The Role of
Health Discussion Partners in Recovery from Mental Illness.” Social Science & Medicine
Prinstein, Mitchell J. 2007. “Moderators of Peer Contagion: A Longitudinal Examination of
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